Monday, May 22, 2017

News From the Wooster’s                                               April  2017

We pray you had an incredible Easter rejoicing in the knowledge that although he was crucified for our sins, He is Risen and LIVES!

We are so very blessed to be serving so close to home so that we can enjoy this time with our family; most of all this time with our granddaughter J! Laura is doing well as we are still waiting on the final results of the radioactive therapy. We covet your continued prayers, as she should know in June if there is need for more treatment.

First quarter update as GSI… we were extremely honored to watch twelve new workers coming through the GSI orientation program. The caliber of people we met was quite impressive! They reminded us of that fresh excitement of heading out for the first time to begin new works among some of the unreached of the world. What was even more exciting to learn was that most of this group came from a training program in Mexico for outgoing ‘workers’ called Radius International (more about that next month) A good portion of these folks have already raised their support levels and have begun language learning in their fields of service.  Others will be heading out later this year. Please keep them in prayer as they embark on this life-changing journey!

Glory of the Impossible… Many of you know that Kevin has been tasked with working in the development department.  One of the reasons this is so important is that GSI wants to keep their administrative fees for their ‘workers’ to a minimum. Most organizations charge upwards of 12%; GSI
is currently at 3%.  As you can see, that is a big difference. On May 5th GSI will be holding a banquet called “Glory of the Impossible” with the hopes of meeting many new people that are interested in knowing more about what we do and how we do it.  The funds raised will go to what is called the Global Ministry Fund. The monies raised will help recruit, train and sustain our over 125 workers on the field.   

 The banquet title “Glory of the impossible” is a quote from Samuel Zwemer, who was a “missionary to the Muslims”.  He said, “The greater the difficulties, the greater is the glory in overcoming them”.  We at GSI work to see churches planted in some of the most difficult regions of the world where the Gospel message has never gone.  The difficulties are enormous, but God is mightier than any that we will come across. Please remember our workers, as they truly are in areas that are opposed to the gospel as well as facing daily challenges we take for granted. Remember our workers as they travel great distances into areas with limited communications and leave their lives and families here for the first time; we speak from experience when we say your prayers will carry them through those days when overwhelmed with the task set before them.


Serving Together around the globe for HIS glory, 
Kevin & Laura