Greetings to All, PLEASE forgive our silence! We have been busy with life, however, we have been working on changing how we use this blog. For me, Laura, it has been frustrating - we had so much personal ministry stories to share in the past. But the Lord has us in a new season of ministry and although we cannot share details and pictures from the workers of our organization (due to safety concerns where they work), we will share stories of what God is doing around the world. However, this month we are going to 'hog' the space with some family news and pictures.
Bringing people together in prayer! In the growing process of learning how partnership development works, we have established what we call a signature participation project, Ou - a 'night of prayer'. This is one evening where we go to churches and/or small groups and introduce the different facets of our organization. We come together in prayer for our workers and the ministries in which they are involved. Doing this type of work is difficult enough; our organization goes into areas that don't allow believers. They must learn the trade language of a country and will then continue to learn yet another language. These folks are incredibly dedicated to making Him known to those who have never heard! So please join us in continued prayer for these folks as they travel to the other side of the world, into areas that are difficult for many reasons, and for the business they will need to have in order to remain in their new 'home'. So, our goal this year is to have at least six to eight of these 'nights' so that we can pray as the needs are so great for the unreached peoples. If you are interested or think a group or church may be interested in hosting such an evening, PLEASE get in touch with us via email.
Faith Community Christian Fellowship |
First Baptist Church Palmetto |
Calvary Chapel Sarasota |
Celebrating the marriage of our oldest son Joshua to Jessica!! We both looked at one another last week and realized both sons are married now, one has a child, our granddaughter Winona; we are truly blessed!! On February 23rd, Kevin had the honor of officiating the ceremony for Josh and Jess in CA. We have prayed for both of our sons since before they were born; one of those prayers were for the wives HE would bring into their lives. God has answered those prayers for both of our sons - we have beautiful 'daughters' now in our family!
Rehearsal luncheon on the waterfront in Oceanside, CA. |
Seeing his bride for the first time! |
Kevin had the honor of performing the ceremony! THANK YOU, Joshua and Jessica!!! |
Introducing Joshua and Jessica Wooster |
Welcome to our family Jess :) |
The reception was held in a huge tent, complete with
chandeliers and beautiful tables! |
Most amazing and beautiful cake we've ever seen! |
There are sooooo many pictures we could share, however, we do want to post just a few more of the following days in California. Two days before the wedding we had hail!! We are beyond grateful the Lord gave us beautiful weather for the rest of our stay and more importantly for the wedding :)!! We decided to drive up the Pacific coast and check out some beaches...definitely NOT Florida beaches; but just as beautiful and lots of fun.
Laguna Beach, CA |
Corey, Brittany and Winona looking for rocks and shells on the beach. |
OK...we'll stop here! We drove the coast and went up into the hills outside of LA before heading back to Florida. A couple days of rest after the wedding were amazing; thanks to Laura's brother and Corey and his family for making it loads of fun!!
THANK YOU for serving together in this ministry. It is such an honor and blessing to serve the Lord, we could not do this without ALL of you!
Kevin & Laura