Monday, September 7, 2015


Siberian Summer in September...say that three times! For us, it's the little things that bring a smile to our faces. Warm weather into the month of September....definitely brings a smile! Usually, we're seeing temperatures in the low 40's or mid 30's at night...still in the 50's with high 70's during the day!!! We'll admit though we're not getting too excited - this IS Siberia and tomorrow could bring frost and within days the leaves can change and be gone! :)   

Celebrating 30 years... for the most part, June was a quiet month this year. We made several trips to the city for Laura. A new doctor required new blood work and tests. So far, we are pleased with the direction this doctor is taking with medications and Laura's overall health. BUT, we began this section by announcing a 'celebration'....we ended June with our 30th Wedding Anniversary by hanging out in the city and eating ourselves into a coma! 
                                                June 1985

30 years later

Eating a favorite dish from Armenia!!!

 Back in the day, this was the first 'nice' restaurant in the city. Owned by Armenians, the food is and always has been amazing! We hadn't been there in years; they still recognized us when we walked in...guess there aren't that many Americans living in Siberia :) 

Wedding bells were ringing.... we were blessed to be invited to another wedding in the city this year. We met the bride in 1998 during our first winter 'camp' at a local school. The groom is one of the pastors from the church we worked with in the early years. It was a beautiful day and a blessing to witness the marriage of another couple whom love and serve the Lord. Of course, such occasions bring folks together that haven't seen one another in a while. We were pleasantly surprised to see 'kids' from our youth group from back in the 90's with their families. A new generation begins!!

Kevin always manages to find a baby to hold!!
July and August quickly became quite busy...although we didn't have any major projects due to lack of 'workers'; we were kept busy helping folks with the everyday tasks that must be done during summer. Pulling weeds in the garden, chopping wood for the coming winter, taking cows out to better pastures...just everyday 'stuff' that allows us to spend time with folks and build relationships. We love these opportunities because it often reminds us how difficult life truly is when you live in a village. So much depends on the garden and the care of the animals as they provide food throughout the winter months. We can't begin to count the times we've been able to have very open talks about creation and The Creator of all things. We are always grateful for these opportunities! We also ask that you please remember the folks across this vast country as we are hearing of price increases for food and gasoline once again. [Correction...we did have a small project through the local social service's office. We were able to have eleven loads of wood delivered then cut for older folks and single mothers. A huge blessing for all involved!]
Laura helping a friend's garden...weeds were taking over
the potato patch.

These 'barns' are built farther away from our village;
the grass is usually better and plentiful so folks hire a
shepherd to watch their cattle and horses during the summer.

Father and son cutting wood for the winter.

Should be enough to get the church through the winter months!

In the past, we would have continued with more pictures and asked that you sit back and relax while we share a large amount of information. After looking at what remains to be shared, we're going to give you a short break and return with more in a week. August was exciting and an extremely busy month. So please join us again on this site in a week for the continuing adventures on our incredible journey. We pray you have been blessed, even if only in some small way. THANK YOU for the faithful support and prayers...until next time...
  Kevin & Laura

A sneak peak of things to will involve kids and friends from Korea!