are beyond pleased to announce and introduce our first grandchild, Winona Mary
Wooster! She was born on November 19th at 5:50pm, weighing 7 pounds 5 ounces and was 19 inches long with a full head of hair! Of course we think she’s
the most beautiful baby ever born J. We are grateful we were able to
be here and hold our 'zaichka' or ‘little rabbit’, (Russian nickname) just a little over an
hour after she arrived. What an honor to be a part of this miracle!
Proud parents....Corey and Brittany |
Very proud grandparents!! |
How she had grown in three weeks! |
that wasn’t enough of a blessing; we were able to spend Thanksgiving with our
sons and the ‘ladies’ in their lives. Our eldest son, Joshua flew in from
California, picked up his girlfriend who is attending medical school in Miami,
and spent three days with us in Sarasota. Of course, our youngest son, Corey
and his new family also shared the holidays with us – this was the first time
in almost five years we were all together for Thanksgiving! God is so good!
Winona's first Thanksgiving! (New Wooster family too) |
Would you believe the red shirts weren't planned??!! |
Looking at baby pictures with grandma. |
Thanksgiving in Florida!! |
Back in Siberia.....
Just because we are on this side of the planet, it doesn't mean that the work on the other side of the world stops. Keeping warm in Siberia can be challenging at best. The WOW (formerly Windows of Warmth, now expanded to include Wood of warmth, as well as helping out with Food on as needed basis) project continues as wood is being delivered weekly to widows, single mothers, or the elderly with no family members close to home. We wish to thank ALL of those who continue to
support this project financially. We were able to only install a few windows
this last year as the local social service office felt the greater need was for
wood, not windows. We totally agreed as we quickly realized the price for wood
has gone up significantly for those on very small pensions. In November we were
able to deliver nine loads of wood and will continue throughout the winter
months to deliver, cut and stack wood for those in dire need. Please remember
this project allows us to meet people, share where the funds come from and why
Christians from the US are helping folks in a village in Siberia – showing HIS
love is an awesome witness! In fact we were able to present a Bible to an 84 year old Widow who had never owned one.
The village fellowship has seen growth over the last year in our
children’s program. More often than not, we have as many as 25 kids, ages three
to thirteen. We have run out of room and made the decision this past summer to
take a garage on the church property and turn it into a kid’s room/ nursery. The
exciting news is that this year potatoes were grown specifically for meeting
needs at the church. The Fellowship was able to sell enough bags of potatoes to buy a wood-burning
stove - which is a good thing since siberian temperatures began dropping
quickly last month (-25c, -13F). We hope that we will receive pictures next month of
a completed room – we know the kids are ready for their own space!
Windows and wood burning stove installed. Floor and walls completed.
Now all we need is paint and furniture...the kids are waiting! |
As you are making preparations for Christmas, please take a few moments to remember the folks not often thought of. Those in need of the most basics: food, shelter and above all His love. What a wonderful time of year to bless those that come into your path in a tangible way; having the opportunities of introducing them to the only One who can meet their needs now and forever more.
Wishing each of you a very Blessed and Merry Christmas!
Kevin & Laura
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6