One would think that after five or so months of 'silence' there would be a plethora of information and pictures to share... however, after much searching our photos, that is just not the case. We assure you we have been busy with ministry, we just are not taking pictures like we did in Russia. (there would be a lot of pictures of with people in an office) Sooooo, please be patient with us and please continue to read...we do have things to share about how the Lord is working around the world through our organization!
February brought us quite a wonderful 'gift' from Russia! We are fairly certain as we were getting off the train for the first time in Siberia, January 1997, it never crossed our minds that the man shaking our hand would become one of Kevin's best friends from Russia. We are also certain we never imagined that this man and his wife would be sitting in our living room some 21 years later in America!! Pastor Zhenia and his wife Natasha were able to do just that in February... what an amazing opportunity for them and for the folks that were able to hear them both speak at a church in Sarasota, Florida. They were brought over to share at a conference for world missions; there is no doubt that all in attendance were challenged by Pastor Zhenia's message to the church; “Don’t stop sending folks to the ends of the earth to work among the unreached. Send out your best and most capable so that we can see more churches established and see Christ proclaimed in these dark regions.” We were certainly challenged and convicted that the work is still not finished and God wants to continue using all of those available and ready to GO!
Together again - in America! |
Natasha sharing her testimony at a ladies' tea. |
Kevin praying over Zhenia as he shares during the conference. |
Welcome to Florida :) |
Hanging out at a local state park. (Gator and Zhenia) |
Enjoying some time kayaking the mangroves on the bay. |
Night fishing...first cast, the first catch of the night! |
Jessie was part of a summer team that worked with
these folks in 2012. |
Spending the last couple of days in America. |
We had such a great time catching up, sharing stories, lots of laughter, and of course shopping! :) They have 10 children between the ages of five and 28. (Four are adopted) It was truly a blessing and we are eager to return and visit our Russian home soon!
Sometimes we just need a rest.... ministry can be exciting, fulfilling, a blessing, challenging, exhausting, frustrating... there is really no end to the adjectives that can be used and most often, (you) would not trade the life of ministry for anything! Being in His Will is the perfect place to be in our journeys, however, sometimes we just need a rest. Jesus was our example when overwhelmed with the day, He would find a quiet place to pray and rest in the Father. In March, some very dear friends of ours who have served in a church in Massachusetts flew down for a couple of weeks, first of all, to thaw out, but more importantly to get refreshed and renewed so that they could return and serve once again in the ministry the Lord has given them. Please remember to pray for your pastors, leaders, and those involved in daily ministry.
Sharing another Florida sunset with friends!
We had to share one last photo of fun in the Florida rain :)
Grandaughter Winona jumping in puddles with Papaw :) |
So that we do not completely overwhelm you with pictures; we will continue next month with 'the rest of story'.
Thank you so much for standing with us as we partner together in
HIS work, many of you have been part of our team for over 20 years and we are truly humbled. Please continue to lift us in your prayers as we continue our work together to reach the unreached.
Blessings, Kevin & Laura