Wednesday, November 12, 2014

WOW (Windows of Warmth) Update

I can't afford new windows...

Why would anyone want to help me?

I don't understand why people would help someone they do not know.

There must be a catch.

This is amazing I could never have afforded new windows.

These are just some of the responses we get when we talk to people as we are doing our WOW projects.

First of all,  we want to say thank you to so many that have given to this project over the years. During the past two months we were able to do three window projects.  It has opened many doors for us to share His love.  We will let the pictures tell the story for two os these projects....

Getting ready to take out the old window

Kitchen window from the outside

New Kitchen window...
Bedroom window
We replaced two windows at this home, where a single mom lives with her two children...thank you for helping us bless them with a very tangible reminder of His love.

The window on the right is to the kitchen...

Doug helping to measure the window sill...

repairs underway...notice above the window on the right, there is no electricity coming into this home

This project was for a man with severe arthritis in his legs...he was very grateful for the help with the new windows.  One of his windows was just a single pane of glass.

This will be a warmer winter for the folks we have been able to help.  As the winter is now coming on pretty strong (nights are now -10F), we are reaching a time of year when it is too cold to install windows.  We would still like to do projects to help people stay warm this winter...for that reason we would like to expand our WOW project to now include wood for needy people in our area.  Please lift up this need so we can be a blessing to many this winter with wood, and to many more when the weather gets warmer with new windows.

THANK YOU again for the many who have made WOW such a huge success over the years! This is an amazing, yet simple way to help show His love.

Kevin & Laura

Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart. ~Victor Hugo