It's Summer!!!!! +95 degrees...even in Siberia!
Co-Workers enjoying lunch at our newest cafe. |
Amazingly June is over half gone and again we wonder where the time has gone! And where did these temperatures come from??! Summer plans are in full swing with continued work at our building, a conference at the end of this month, attending a two week camp on Baikal with four kids from our youth group (plus 100 other kids as well), and a visit from our home church in July! There's always plenty to do and we welcome the outdoor work with our friends....we have to get that huge dose of vitamin D from the sun before the winter months set in again!!
Our youth group has officially ended for the summer, but we have plans to go on hikes, picnics and hopefully have opportunities to meet some new kids as well. We decided in May to take the 'gang' to the river for games, food and to our surprise....swimming!! (These are true Siberian kids....if the sun's out and the weather's warm - you go swimming!) There had been ice on this river just one week prior.
Hopping Caterpillar Game
Swimming in early May!!!
Knot Game...never did get it right...
Village life can have it never know what the day will bring. Because we were going to be gone so much this summer; we had decided not to build a green house. Our dear friend had another plan and we were blessed with his expertise and help in building our own green house! If that's not exciting enough.... how about driving a litter of pigs to a village 45 miles away to sell them?!! The church pig had four piglets left and we needed to sell them before we left for conference....momma and baby pigs were NOT happy with the move!! The trip turned out to be a huge blessing for us as well as for the folks who had bought the piglets. They were very interested in 'why' Americans would live in a village and 'why' Siberia! We had a great conversation and are hoping to return and have tea and more discussions on spiritual matters. They are very open to this possibility!

As we mentioned earlier, we have some kids going to a youth camp on Baikal in July. Because the cost is quite high for the folks here, we decided the kids could work for some of the cost to go to the camp. It's been great fun and they're doing a terrific job!!
Sanding doors before adding shellac. |
Finishing touches...GREAT job! |
They really ARE painting the fence and gate!!??
Within the last few days, we finished our first parenting class! (in Russian for the first time as well.) We have some interest to begin another class in September and ask for prayer as we prepare for the course. We are both working closely with a couple of people and are excited to see growth in their marriages, lives, and understanding of the Word.
As we write this,we are literally packing and getting ready to run out the door. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we travel and work alongside old friends, (and many new folks) at the camp in July. May your summer be blessed and filled with family and friends!
Blessings from Siberia,
Kevin & Laura
The true calling of a Christian is not to do extraordinary things, but to do ordinary things in an extraordinary way. ~~A. P. Stanley~~