How can we make the women of the fellowship feel special on Woman's Day this year? That is the question Kevin posed to the men of the fellowship...We as a group of men thought we should treat the ladies to a luncheon that we, the men, would prepare, cook and do the clean up to make this a very special treat for the ladies.
Laura planned a few games that the ladies seemed to enjoy....
Of course there are always kids around so we played with the kids that came and fed them in another room so the mothers could enjoy their special day...the kids seemed to enjoy Kevin's spaghetti.
The ladies truly enjoyed being waited on. Laura tells me that the time of fellowship and games was a great break from the regular routine that these ladies are normally involved in.
All in all it was a success and we hope to make it an even larger event next year; a day to let the ladies know they are special....Those are smiles of joy on their faces!
A few of the men were able to take part in a men's conference on Lake Baikal. There were about 50 men altogether. The other day, Kevin was talking to one of our neighbors and she could not believe that 50 men could get together for three days and not have any vodka! This of course gave him the chance to talk a bit about the conference and why there was no alcohol.
Our guys on the first day...
Of course we had fun on the frozen lake.
This is Kevin in an ice cave...amazing what happens when the waves on the lake freeze..
The conference was excellent for all that attended; the teaching has and will impact lives...One night we all watched the film, "Courageous." If you have not seen the need to!! It's a quality film and the message is right on.
The sun just before sunset across the frozen Lake Baikal...What an amazing sight!!!! His creation is truly breath taking!
I hope you were able to get a small glimpse of some of the things happening here. We still need to post some pictures of the recent picnic and hike we had with some of the youth. Until then, keep your focus on Him who gave us the sunset that you see in the above picture!
Have a wonderful day!
Kevin and Laura
~ Ronald Reagan